Pie in the Sky Adventures

# Read # Pie in the Sky Adventures by Don & Teri Murray ✓ eBook or Kindle ePUB. Pie in the Sky Adventures Amazon Customer said Accent on adventure!. After meeting this couple on the ferry to Friday Harbor and following them up the hill for a noodle bowl lunch, I had to read their book. These two truly have the adventure gene. It is now Accent on adventure! After meeting this couple on the ferry to Friday Harbor and following them up the hill for a noodle bowl lunch, I had to read their book. These two truly have the adventure gene. It is now 3 years after publishing this book and they are off ag

Pie in the Sky Adventures

Author :
Rating : 4.83 (564 Votes)
Asin : 1492955116
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 330 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-02-08
Language : English


They find friendship, fulfillment, and community everywhere they go, and manage to make a living while doing it. Their tales will inspire you with their optimistic view of life. We will hear tales of life on an island in southern Brazil. This delightful book describes the adventures of a fascinating and fearless couple who have decided – in middle age- that life has more to offer them than their regular day jobs. Live through two hurricanes on their sailboat in the Caribbean and see what happens to them when they try to franchise their handmade bakery concept down in Australia. Much more than a traditional travelogue; the final chapter detailing the life lessons learned along the way is priceless.. More adventures await them in Florida, San Francisco not to mention Panama's Expat haven Boquete – where they bought a defunct coffee farm - all in their search for a special place to live outside the US. Their journey takes them from Mexico to Australia and many points between, always making it up as they go along. With only $200 in their pockets as they sailed their classic wooden sailboat into Puerto Vallarta and without work permits, they began making a few pies in the back streets of this Mexic

Amazon Customer said Accent on adventure!. After meeting this couple on the ferry to Friday Harbor and following them up the hill for a noodle bowl lunch, I had to read their book. These two truly have the "adventure gene". It is now Accent on adventure! After meeting this couple on the ferry to Friday Harbor and following them up the hill for a noodle bowl lunch, I had to read their book. These two truly have the "adventure gene". It is now 3 years after publishing this book and they are off again on a new adventure. The book is an easy read. It could be amazing to some readers that Don and Teri could deal with foreign entities to do all they accomplished. Whether by their choice or the powers that be, one aspect of their life they shared over lunch got only brief mention. Those who love sailing. years after publishing this book and they are off again on a new adventure. The book is an easy read. It could be amazing to some readers that Don and Teri could deal with foreign entities to do all they accomplished. Whether by their choice or the powers that be, one aspect of their life they shared over lunch got only brief mention. Those who love sailing. "An delightful journey through several continents." according to David Jackson. This is a story about a couple, Don and Teri, who abandoned their lives and careers in the Bay Area in search of that mystical but idyllic place known as Shangri-La. They departed in a small sailboat in the dead of winter bound for Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, as their destination. Soon in their journey, they encountered what can only be described as the "storm of the century." Their gripping tale of survival in the storm is described separately by each, first by Don and later by Teri. After mid-course repairs were performed on their boat, the couple. Judy Whiting said You'll want to go on the next Pie in the Sky Adventure, I promise!. Travel along by book to have a good time with two charming and seasoned adventurers who tell genuine stories about sailing, baking, and business, all combined with world travel tips as seen through their solid loving relationship. Great humor! Anyone who has traveled (not just vacationed) in countries outside the U.S. will certainly relate. Before I read this book, I only knew the Pie in the Sky bakery in Bucerias, Mexico and those yummy brownies! Now I know just about everything that lead up to their great success. There is so much more to Teri