House of Pain: The Modern Classic of Sadism and Sexual Excess

! Read * House of Pain: The Modern Classic of Sadism and Sexual Excess by Pan Pantziarka ↠ eBook or Kindle ePUB. House of Pain: The Modern Classic of Sadism and Sexual Excess Robert Beveridge said Scorched earth, indeed.. Pan Pantziarka, House of Pain (Velvet/Creation, 1997)availability: amazon.The publishers blurb on the back calls House of Painscorched earth erotica, and a more accuratedefinition would be somewhat hard to come by. The bookgives us a nameless narrator (by design, of course,cf. Fight Club) who is kidnapped-- perhaps-- andsubjected to various humiliations, etc., which she mayor may not enjoy, depending on her mood. As is usualwith such things, th

House of Pain: The Modern Classic of Sadism and Sexual Excess

Author :
Rating : 4.48 (851 Votes)
Asin : 1840680520
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 191 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


It remains probably the most extreme document of sadism and pornographic intensity since the writings of de Sade himself.. Lost in a night world, and thrown to the lusts of her anonymous captors, she must submit to their increasingly bizarre rituals of pain and degradation in order to find salvation. House of Pain provides a glimpse of living Hell as a young woman is abandoned to the throes of rage, violence and cruelty which feed the sexual impulse. When a young streetwalker is picked up by an enigmatic older woman, she finds herself launched into an odyssey of pleasure and pain beyond measure

Robert Beveridge said Scorched earth, indeed.. Pan Pantziarka, House of Pain (Velvet/Creation, 1997)availability: amazon.The publisher's blurb on the back calls House of Pain"scorched earth erotica," and a more accuratedefinition would be somewhat hard to come by. The bookgives us a nameless narrator (by design, of course,cf. "Fight Club") who is kidnapped-- perhaps-- andsubjected to various humiliations, etc., which she mayor may not enjoy, depending on her mood. As is usualwith such things, the degradation builds until it hitsa high (low?) at the climax of the book, where thenarrator faces the usual question: how badly do I wantto keep my identity?The earlier com. "Comedy for people with low self image" according to Edward Scheutzow. This book is good! First there is the character development of a heroin/victim that no one, not even her mother could like. Then there is willing stupidity followed by more willing stupidity which leads to more bizare players in this game. You haven't even reached page 50 yet and there is so much more destruction of the human animal that you must go on as rapidly as you can to find out what happens next.Once you are firmly mired in the premise that life, at it's best is, or should be intolerable. You meat, no pun intended, some cheerful folks from a local church. I just love these multi-level psyco-comedies! Let's see,. Joel Gaviola said Gross. This book is, by far, not erotic but truly pornographic!The exchange of body fluids and the scenarios are truly gross.I blame this book for putting me in the hospital.But it was good. :D