Modern Moral Problems: Trustworthy Answers to Your Tough Questions

[Msgr. William B. Smith] ↠ Modern Moral Problems: Trustworthy Answers to Your Tough Questions ☆ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Modern Moral Problems: Trustworthy Answers to Your Tough Questions Clear thinker, easy reading, and he makes outside references, too. according to Mark LaPointe. This is a reprint of all the authors articles (responses in a Q & A column) from the magazine Homiletic and Pastoral Review. Msgr. Smith writes with clarity and simplicity. Further, he provides outside references the reader can look up. Also, on three occasions I wanted to go to the original of the article. I found the back-issues in the Sacred Heart Semin. Modern Moral Principles an analysis and ex

Modern Moral Problems: Trustworthy Answers to Your Tough Questions

Author :
Rating : 4.73 (918 Votes)
Asin : 158617634X
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 330 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-05-09
Language : English


"Clear thinker, easy reading, and he makes outside references, too." according to Mark LaPointe. This is a reprint of all the author's articles (responses in a Q & A column) from the magazine Homiletic and Pastoral Review. Msgr. Smith writes with clarity and simplicity. Further, he provides outside references the reader can look up. Also, on three occasions I wanted to go to the original of the article. I found the back-issues in the Sacred Heart Semin. Modern Moral Principles an analysis and explanation I found the book "Modern Moral Problems" to be enlightening. It helped me to resolve some issues I had struggled to rationalise. Based on solid catholic doctrine it clearly enunciated moral principles in a readable and understandable format. I really liked and appreciated it.

Smith also served on ethics committees in a number of New York Catholic hospitals. Smith (1939-2009)was a well-known and highly regarded moral theologian. Ordained for the Archdiocese of New York in 1966, he taught at New York's major seminary for 37 years. He wrote numerous articles for theological journals as well as a monthly column in Homiletic and Pastoral Review.. Monsignor William B. A consultant to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and a prim

Historians of moral theology will find this book a valuable source for documenting the reception that Blessed Pope John Paul II's encyclical letter, Veritatis splendor , received in the United States." --- Romanus Cessario, O.P., Saint John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts. Fortunately, Fr. Smith shines through in these pages. In these pages Msgr. One may still consult with profit the replies Monsignor Smith composed to questions addressed to him from all over the country. His carefu

Modern Moral Problems addresses moral quandaries that can beguile and confuse faithful Catholics. William B. But lay people, too, will find here rich responses to the challenging and sometimes unresolved moral questions they encounter in their own lives.. Smith often tackled matters of controversy in the Catholic Church, ones which continue to draw conflicting opinions.Interesting, informative, and eminently practical, this book conveys an overall impression that sound thinking about morality is rooted in a tradition within the Catholic Church, even when the answers to particular moral questions cannot be found in catechisms or Vatican documents. Smith offers a clear-headed approach to the quandaries of