Framemaker 5.5.6 for Dummies

Read [Sarah OKeefe Book] # Framemaker 5.5.6 for Dummies Online ! PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Framemaker 5.5.6 for Dummies The CD-ROM contains templates, plug-ins and examples.. FrameMaker is a long-document publishing tool. This guide to FrameMaker 5.5.6 offers information on features for producing effective long documents, including text editing and formatting, graphics, page design and creating templates]

Framemaker 5.5.6 for Dummies

Author :
Rating : 4.60 (602 Votes)
Asin : 0764506374
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 352 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


The CD-ROM contains templates, plug-ins and examples.. FrameMaker is a long-document publishing tool. This guide to FrameMaker 5.5.6 offers information on features for producing effective long documents, including text editing and formatting, graphics, page design and creating templates

You can easily transfer formats from one document to another. More importantly, you can overwrite the definitions in one file with definitions from another file (provided that the style names are the same). FrameMaker works almost identically across platforms, so all the knowledge you acquire on the Windows version can be transferred immediately to the UNIX or Macintosh version (or the other way around). The point is that you need to choose the right tool for the right job. © Reprinted by permission. Each major item in FrameMaker, such as paragraphs, characters, tables, and cross-references,

"It's About Time" according to Cindy Brown Bair. It's embarrassing to be overjoyed about the publication of a software book, especially one with the word "dummies" on the cover. But until now, FrameMaker users have had no good reference text at all. We've been struggling to decipher Adobe's online help files, and we've been solving each other's problems through online mailing lists and local FrameMaker Users Network meetings. It's ridiculous that a tool as widely used as Frame has had no comprehensive reference. Every Frame user should nab a copy of FrameMaker for Dummies before it sells out.If you're a beginning Framer, be certain to start with pages 7 - 10, w. A Customer said Ohhhhhh, now I get it!. I purchased the "Adobe FrameMaker Classroom in a Book", faithfully completed all the lessons, then tried to create my first document. I was completely lost within fifteen minutes. I grumpily logged on to Amazon and ordered "FrameMaker for Dummies" and all I have to say is, "Ohhhhhh, now I get it."One of my complaints about "Classroom in a Book" was that it worked from existing documents, rather complex ones at that. It did not start at the logical starting point, creating a new document. The "Dummies" book does a better job with this. Chapter "Ohhhhhh, now I get it!" according to A Customer. I purchased the "Adobe FrameMaker Classroom in a Book", faithfully completed all the lessons, then tried to create my first document. I was completely lost within fifteen minutes. I grumpily logged on to Amazon and ordered "FrameMaker for Dummies" and all I have to say is, "Ohhhhhh, now I get it."One of my complaints about "Classroom in a Book" was that it worked from existing documents, rather complex ones at that. It did not start at the logical starting point, creating a new document. The "Dummies" book does a better job with this. Chapter 2 starts with the steps needed to create a new document. Through chapte. starts with the steps needed to create a new document. Through chapte. An example of how to explain things usefully Michel Heller I have used the few manuals that exist for FrameMaker, and this one is the only one I have found really usefull. My work advanced rapidelly with it.